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Determining The Social and Psychological Reasons for The Emergence of Parkour and Free Running – An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
Wallace & Kilili
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Parkour, free running, self-improvement, endurance, discipline, strength, Flexibility and balance.
Parkour and free running are newly emerged high risk urbanised activities still relatively understudied. They don’t appear to be subject to rules and regulations with aims and objectives being unclear. There are no distinct signs of competition and yet competitors are extremely trained, highly ordered, thriving on the danger and adrenaline participation produces. The participants perform dangerous gymnastic movements utilising awkward obstacles without the use of protective clothing and don’t appear to be concerned with the welfare of people in the vicinity. The activities are associated with self-improvement, endurance, discipline, strength, flexibility and balance. Parkour and free running videos are frequently posted on the self-broadcast website, YouTube. Here participants can be seen leaping from high buildings, climbing walls and jumping between handrails. This study presents the results of a phenomenological study of eight parkour and free running participants. A systematic IPA procedure was incorporated into the study to enter into a participant’s reality to obtain experiences of parkour and free running.
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