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The Effect of Parkour Activities on Specific Physical Fitness and Grit in the Population of Healthy Youth Football Athletes
Hasyim et al.
Journal of Population and Social Studies
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Palabras clave
Grit; parkour activity; physical fitness; youth
This study investigates the effects of parkour activity (PA) on physical fitness and grit for youth soccer athletes. True experimental research with a random control trial design for 12 weeks was adopted in this study. There were 78 male youth soccer athletes involved in the experimental (PA, n = 39) and control group (CG, n = 39) groups. The PA intervention program was carried out three times a week for 12 weeks. Pre-post-intervention tests were carried out to assess physical fitness and grit. The results of repeated measures ANOVA showed that there were significant effects of time, group, and time*group interaction on physical fitness (all, p <.05) and grit (all, p <.05). Meanwhile, Student's paired t-test results show that the PA group experienced significant differences scores between pre-and post-test in physical fitness (all, p <.05) and grit (all, p <.05), but in CG the differences were significant only occurred in sprint test 30m (p <.05), Illinois agility test (p <.05), hand grip test (p <.05) and there was no other difference, including grit (p >.05). In conclusion, we highlight that PA is the valid method to promote physical fitness and grit in youth soccer athletes.
Analysis of scientific production in street sports with acrobatic components
Rodriguez-Redondo et al.
Science of Gymnastics Journal
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Palabras clave
Acrobatics; break dance; parkour; physical activity; sports; street workout
In recent years, the number of practitioners of disciplines such as parkour, break dance or calisthenics (freestyle or street workout) has increased. These disciplines share common characteristics, such as an unregulated street origin and a focus on acrobatics. This study aimed to analyze the state of scientific publications related to these acrobatic street sports. A bibliometric analysis was conducted, applying traditional bibliometric laws to scientific documentation found in journals indexed in WoS and Scopus. Data processing and visualization were performed using Bibliometrix and Excel. A total of 199 articles published between 1984 and 2024 were identified, indicating exponential growth. Among these, 139 papers were related to parkour, 48 to breakdance, and 12 to street workout. A review of 158 journals revealed that they contained related publications, although their distribution did not conform to Bradford’s model, showig only two areas. Among 417 authors identified, 22 were deemed prolific and 12 prominent. France emerged as the most prolific country, followed by the USA. The 553 author keywords were categorized into three groups, each associated with one of the sports. The 26 most cited papers were selected as relevant, demonstrating a correlation between the increase in publications and the popularization of these sports, largely due to television exposure. The "International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics” emerged as the most prolific journal. The most relevant authors identified in each sport were Signey Grosprêtre (parkour); Max Daniel Kauther and Christian Wedemeyer (breakdance); and Javier Sanchez-Martinez (street workout)
Combined Electromagnetic and Electrohydraulic Focused ESWT and EMTT for Delayed Calcaneal Union in an Adolescent Parkour Athlete - A Case Report
Knobloch et al.
Journal of Sports Medicine
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Palabras clave
EMTT; ESWT; epiphysis; non; shockwave therapy; union.
This case report describes a novel and unique combination of both electromagnetic and electrohydraulic focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy (EMTT) for accelerated healing in a calcaneus epiphyseal fracture with delayed healing in an adolescent Parkour athlete. After a 2.5m jump, the 14-year-old experienced significant heel pain, however avoided telling his parents. After eight weeks, the initial imaging using ultra low dose weight-bearing cone beam CT (WBCT) revealed a calcaneus non-union situation adjacent to the open calcaneal physis. To improve and accelerate bony healing substantially, we chose to apply both combined focused electromagnetic (Storz Ultra, Storz Medical AG, Tägerwillen, CH) and focused electrohydraulic (MTS, Konstanz, Germany) ESWT in a fractioned fashion plus EMTT (Storz Magnetolith, Tägerwillen, CH) in five consecutive weekly sessions while allowing the patient to fully weight bear. The follow-up WBCT after six weeks revealed a near to total healing of the delayed union and being pain-free. Notably, combination therapy with focused ESWT and EMTT did not result in early closure of the calcaneal epiphysis. We conclude that combined focused electromagnetic and electrohydraulic ESWT and EMTT facilitate bony healing in adolescent calcaneal apophyseal fractures without any adverse effects on the open physis. Evidence level IV (case report).
Acute effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on postural control of trained athletes: A randomized controlled trial
Giancatarina et al.
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Palabras clave
transcranial direct current stimulation, trained athletes, postural control, randomized controlled trial
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is used to modulate brain function, and can modulate motor and postural control. While the acute effect of tDCS is well documented on patients, little is still known whether tDCS can alter the motor control of healthy trained participants. This study aimed to assess the acute effect of tDCS on postural control of parkour practitioners, known for their good balance abilities and their neuromuscular specificities that make them good candidates for tDCS intervention. Eighteen parkour practitioners were tested on three occasions in the laboratory for each stimulation condition (2 mA; 20 minutes)–primary motor cortex (M1), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and sham (placebo). Postural control was evaluated PRE and POST each stimulation by measuring Center of Pressure (CoP) displacements on a force platform during static conditions (bipedal and unipedal stance). Following M1 stimulation, significant decreases were observed in CoP area in unipedal (from 607.1 ± 297.9 mm² to 451.1 ± 173.9 mm², P = 0.003) and bipedal (from 157.5 ± 74.1 mm² to 117.6 ± 59.8 mm² P<0.001) stances. As well, the CoP total length was significantly reduced in bipedal (from 3416.8 ± 295.4 mm to 3280.6 ± 306.2 mm, P = 0.005) as well as in unipedal stance (from 4259.6 ± 398.4 mm to 3846.5 ± 468.9 mm, P<0.001), only after M1 stimulation. Relative pre-post changes observed after M1 stimulation were negatively correlated to experience in parkour only after unipedal stance (r = 0.715, P<0.001), meaning that the more participants were trained the less tDCS was effective. No significant changes were noticed after sham and dlPFC stimulation. These results suggested that the modulation of gait performance in athletes following an acute intervention of tDCS is specific to the targeted brain region, and that postures with reduced base of support (such as unipedal stance) were more sensitive to tDCS.
Factors Influencing the Continuance Intention to Participate in Extreme Sports
Yu et al.
International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences
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The exponential growth in engagement with extreme sports in recent decades has surpassed our understanding of the perceptions and personal experiences of those individuals who participated. This research explores the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived enjoyment, perceived risk, attitude toward behavior, and continuance intention within the framework of the theory of planned behavior. The study collected data from 193 parkour enthusiasts who associated with Chinese amateur parkour clubs. Hypotheses were verified using structural equation modeling using AMOS 26.0. The results demonstrate notable associations across all categories, however, the hypothesis that perceived risk will influence attitude toward behavior was not supported. The study concludes with discussions on the implications for scholars and practitioners and suggestions for future research.
The effect of parkour intervention on fourth grade students’ motor, cognitive and social-emotional skills; a mixed methods study
Middle East Technical University
Tipo de publicación
Tesis doctoral o similar
Palabras clave
adventure education, parkour, motor coordination, divergent thinking, motor creativity
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an eight-week parkour intervention based on the adventure education model on fourth-grade students' 1) motor skills, cognitive skills, and social-emotional skills 2) to explore the students' perceptions of the intervention and their overall thoughts about it. The study involved 55 students from three different village schools, with 28 students (Mage=9.63, SD=.60) in the intervention group and 27 (Mage=9.79, SD=.62) in the comparison group. The mixed-method experimental design was used in the study to answer the research questions. Motor coordination, perceived motor competence, divergent thinking, and motor creativity variables were measured using four quantitative data collection tools. Qualitative data were obtained through field notes, semi-structured and group interviews. The intervention group received an eight-week parkour intervention, while the comparison group continued the regular program. The findings showed that students who received parkour intervention based on the adventure education model improved significantly more in motor coordination (p<.001), perceived motor competence (p=.009), fluency in divergent thinking (p<.001), originality in divergent thinking (p=.009) and motor creativity (p=.003) skills after the pre-test data were controlled. The qualitative data from the intervention group supported the quantitative results and provided further insight into the students' experiences. The study concluded that the adventure education model and parkour could be an effective and cost-efficient alternative for achieving physical, social, and cognitive outcomes in physical education and sport, particularly in schools without sports facilities.
Analysis of Fluency of Movement in Parkour Using a Video and Inertial Measurement Unit Technology
Feletti et al.
Journal of Human Kinetics
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Palabras clave
athletic gestures; injury; motor skills; sports science; training
Fluency is a movement parameter combining smoothness and hesitation, and its objective measurement may be used to determine the effects of practice on sports performance. This study aimed to measure fluency in parkour, an acrobatic discipline comprising complex non-cyclical movements, which involves fluency as a critical aspect of performance. Inter-individual fluidity differences between advanced and novice athletes as well as intra-individual variations of fluency between different parts and subsequent repetitions of a path were addressed. Seventeen parkour participants were enrolled and divided into two groups based on their experience. We analysed signals captured from an inertial measurement unit fixed on the back of the pelvis of each participant during three consecutive repetitions of a specifically designed parkour routine under the guidance of video analysis. Two fluency parameters, namely smoothness and hesitation, were measured. Smoothness was calculated as the number of inflexions on the so-called jerk graph; hesitation was the percentage of the drop in the centre of mass velocity. Smoothness resulted in significantly lower values in advanced athletes (mean: 126.4; range: 36-192) than in beginners (mean: 179.37; range: 98-272) during one of the three motor activities (p = 0.02). A qualitative analysis of hesitation showed that beginner athletes tended to experience more prominent velocity drops and negative deflection than more advanced athletes. In conclusion, a system based on a video and an inertial measurement unit is a promising approach for quantification and the assessment of variability of fluency, and it is potentially beneficial to guide and evaluate the training process.
Running in parkour
Edwardes & Feletti
The Running Athlete
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Sports science. Musculoskeletal system, Injury, Training, Prevention, Physical exercise
Parkour is a sport based around overcoming obstacles in one's environment with only the human body's abilities. The activity utilises foundational human locomotion patterns, and running is included in the great majority of parkour movements or between applying unique parkour athletic gestures or motor skills. Moreover, running has specific features in parkour, being widely used on a horizontal surface and oblique or vertical surfaces. Although running was a traditional element within parkour training, younger communities tend to focus more on the aesthetic and explosive movements within parkour and do not typically practice distance running of any sort; running as a skill in itself is practised by only a minority of the parkour community worldwide. There is commonly a non-systematic approach to the training, since most parkour practitioners use programming types known as self-regulating programming and project-based programming. Many benefits from introducing running as a regular practice for parkour participants would support and improve any practitioner's general physical preparation-for example, the increase in speed and power. Running on challenging surfaces, such as ground lines, curbs or rails, may improve movement control and increase the safety margin. Running practice could bring many benefits to injury prevention in parkour by increasing dynamic stability and balance, contralateral coordination and maintaining healthy hip function and range of motion. Trail running may also improve ankle, hip and knee coordination and mobility and postural responsiveness, which directly benefits the variability required in parkour.
El parkour en la potenciación de la fuerza explosiva en adolescentes
Pérez-Rocha & Cabezas-Flores
Polo del Conocimiento: Revista científico - profesional
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Palabras clave
Parkour; fuerza explosiva; edades escolares
Existe una gran problemática dentro de los salones de clases en donde se puede apreciar que las metodologías que se utilizan en las clases de educación física no siempre pueden ser las correctas, ya que se deja de lado el trabajo de fuerza explosiva, lo que evita que los jóvenes puedan tener los beneficios de desarrollar esta capacidad en edades futuras, existe una alternativa propuesta, que es el trabajo de fuerza con la enseñanza del parkour a los jóvenes, esta disciplina aporta varios beneficios a los estudiantes, como lo son un desarrollo de habilidades motrices, capacidades de fuerza, resistencia y crea una base para cualquier deporte que el estudiante practique o vaya a practicar a futuro, mediante una revisión sistemática, tomándose en cuenta criterios metodológicos, se demuestran que las capacidades desarrolladas al practicar parkour y al mejorar su fuerza explosiva indican que los jóvenes pueden ser aptos para cualquier tipo de deporte que requiera el uso de habilidades corporales. Es importante que se tomen en cuenta el desarrollo de estas habilidades en estas edades escolares junto con el trabajo de desarrollo motriz, ya que son etapas formativas en las que los estudiantes pueden alcanzar sus máximas capacidades, lo que conllevará a una vida activa y saludable. Se puede concluir que con el parkour se puede desarrollar significativamente el trabajo de fuerza explosiva, incluso en más cantidad que realizar entrenamiento de gimnasia o de levantamiento de potencia, por lo que es una alternativa válida para trabajar estas capacidades en los jóvenes.
Parkour – a bridge between motor activities and live-ability practices in the urban jungle
Mango et al.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport
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Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Parkour, urban jungle, movement, environment, Edgework, calculated risk
The origin of parkour can be dated back to George Hébert’s studies. It was created in France and quickly spread around the world. This motor discipline is commonly defined as “art du déplacement”, and its aim is to adapt one’s movements to the surrounding environment, both natural and urban. Parkour transforms towns from still and impersonal spaces into places for creativity, learning, and self-knowledge. In fact, a practitioner (before beginning to move) will continuously wonder about his motivations and his physical perceptions, converse with his fears, and look for his psychophysical balance. In 2019, the Italian Ministry of Health invited to consider unstructured activities to promote active life and make individual and collective gratification elements available. With this aim, parkour (as a mainly sensory–motor discipline) is very useful owing to its educational purposes, in particular when children are involved, because their approach to senses is still free from social and family conditioning. Parkour is a movement practice, which requires considerable physical, mental, and emotional training. We discuss the relationship between parkour and edgework (a socio-psychological concept about voluntary risk-taking; Lyng S., 1990) because parkour practitioners are exposed to risks that seem greater than what is socially acceptable. This study analyzes parkour as an outdoor activity, as an expression of flourishing (Nussbaum M, 2007) from the point of view of the urban jungle and as a denunciation of unsuitability of urbanization for the natural needs of the human being. We confirmed that the edgework approach was a very effective tool for practitioners to improve their specific skills and their personal lives. Parkour poses the questions; the practitioner’s aim is to find the answers.
The parkour tic-tac action versus the drop jump as part of complex training within the strength and conditioning programme of highly-trained youth basketball players.
Williams et al.
Plos One
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This study aimed to examine the effects of two different complex training protocols on physical performance in highly-trained youth basketball players. Fourteen adolescent players participated in twice-weekly sessions over eight weeks, following either the Drop Jump protocol (n = 7) or the Tic-tac protocol (n = 7), performing 1-3 sets of 8-9 exercises. Physical performance was assessed before and after the intervention using jumping tests (CMJ, squat, 10-5 hop jumps), change-of-direction speed (5-10-5), sprinting (0-20 meters), and muscular strength (isometric midthigh pull) tests. The intraclass correlation coefficient of within subjects measures was 0.95. Results showed no significant fixed effects for group or time on performance variables (p > 0.05), with greater variance attributed to measurements rather than group differences. The interindividual response to training was highly variable, contingent on the performance outcome. These findings suggest that the parkour-based Tic-tac protocol can be included in strength and conditioning programs for youth basketball players to enhance sport-specific actions. However, to improve physical performance in young team-sport athletes, it is crucial to address the individual needs of each athlete. This includes acknowledging the highly individualised responses to training stimuli.
Acute Effect of Video Feedback on Self-Regulation and Proprioceptive Control of Standing Back Tuck Somersault in the Absence of Vision
Abahnini et al.
Motor control
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Palabras clave
parkour athletesacrobatic movementvisionlessself modelingverbal instruction
The purpose of this study was to assess the immediate effect of video feedback on the regulation and control of the standing back tuck somersault in the absence of vision. Two groups of male parkour athletes performed the standing back tuck somersault under both open and closed eyes conditions. The first group received video feedback, while the second group received verbal feedback. Concurrent analysis, including kinetic data from a force plate (Kistler Quattro-Jump) and kinematic data in two-dimensional by Kinovea freeware, was employed for motion and technical performance analysis. The results indicate that the loss of vision during the standing back tuck somersault affected only the take-off and ungrouping angle, as well as the vertical velocity and displacement. These effects were consistent regardless of the type of feedback provided (i.e., video feedback or verbal feedback). Furthermore, a significant Vision x Feedback interaction was observed at the level of technical performance. This suggests that the use of video feedback enabled the parkour athletes to maintain a high level of technical performance both with and without vision (i.e., 13.56 vs. 13.00 points, respectively, p> .05 and d= 2.233). However, the verbal feedback group technical performance declined significantly under the novision condition compared with the vision condition (13.14 vs. 10.25 points, respectively, with and without vision, p< .001 and d= 2.382). We concluded that when the movement is proprioceptively controlled (i.e., without vision), the video feedback enables the athletes to globally assess the technical deficiencies arising from the lack of vision and to correct them. These findings are discussed based on parkour athletes' ability to evaluate the kinematic parameters of the movement.
An unusual wrist injury in a parkour-athlete: Transstyloid, transscaphoid, transtriquetral perilunate dislocation
Kalinterakis et al.
Trauma Case Reports
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Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Dislocation; Fracture; Perilunate; Wrist
Perilunate dislocations are uncommon high energy injuries. The combination of fractures resulting in a trans-styloid, trans-scaphoid, and trans-triquetral perilunate fracture dislocation is extremely rare. We describe a 20 year old male who suffered this injury after a fall from height while parkouring. He underwent open reduction and internal fixation with ligamentous repair and carpal tunnel decompression. After 3 months, he was noted to have a radiographic evidence of scapholunate dissociation and he returned to the operative room for definitive fixation. Despite this complication, the final functional outcome 6 months after the second surgery was satisfying.
A Comparison of Maximal Acceleration Between the “Tic Tac” Parkour Action, Drop Jump, and Lay-Up Shot in Youth Basketball Players: A Preliminary Study Toward the Donor Sport Concept
Williams et al.
Journal of Motor Learning and Development
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Palabras clave
accelerometer; motor skill; jumping; kinematics; specificity
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare acceleration outputs of the parkour-style “tic tac” action with those of the drop jump and the lay-up shot in youth basketball players. A total of 25 participants (17 boys, 13.80 ± 1.30 years of age; and eight girls, 15.00 ± 0.80 years of age) completed three trials of each action while wearing a single inertial motion capture unit with a sampling frequency of 200 Hz, positioned at the lumbar spine. All data were captured in a single session, using the same test order for all participants. Maximum resultant acceleration was calculated from the raw data for each action. Using sex and maturation status as covariates, data were analyzed using a Bayesian one-way repeated-measures analysis of covariance. Results revealed the jump + sex model to be the best fitting (BF10 = 9.22 × 105). Post hoc comparisons revealed that the tic tac produced greater maximal acceleration than the drop jump and the lay-up. These findings provide a biomechanical basis for the potential use of the parkour tic tac as an activity that could be used within the athletic development of youth basketball players.
Beyond athletic development: The effects of parkour-based versus conventional neuromuscular exercises in pre-adolescent basketball players
Williams et al.
Plos One
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of a parkour-based warm-up to a conventional neuromuscular training (NMT) warm-up on the athletic capabilities of youth basketball players. This was examined through two arms: In Investigation 1, the aims were to measure the effects of the two warm-ups on physical measures of athletic performance in prepubescent basketball players. Using post-intervention semi-structured interviews, Investigation 2 aimed to gain insights from the players in relation to the perceived benefits of the two warm-ups. Pre-adolescent children were recruited from two youth level basketball teams. Participants from one club were randomly assigned to either a conventional NMT warm-up group or a parkour warm-up group, while a control group was formed of participants from the second club. Participants of both experimental groups were required to complete a 15-minute warm-up once per week before their regular basketball practice across 8-weeks. For both groups, the coach adopted the same pedagogical approach, utilising a guided discovery strategy. Pre-post test measures of overhead squat performance, countermovement jump, and 10-metre sprint speed were recorded in all three groups. Additionally, pre-post measures were recorded for a timed parkour-based obstacle course for the two experimental groups. No significant between-group differences were found between pre- and post-test measures. However, analysis using Cohen's d effect sizes revealed improvements in both intervention groups versus the control. Moreover, between group effect size differences were observed between the two experimental groups. Following the intervention, participants from both experimental groups were also invited to take part in a post-intervention semi-structured interview to discuss their experiences. The thematic analysis of these semi-structured interviews revealed three higher order themes: Enjoyment; Physical literacy; and Docility; of which the two former themes appear to align to constructs relating to the wider concept of physical literacy. In summary, warm-ups designed to improve athleticism can include less structured and more diverse movement skills than are typical of conventional NMT warm-ups. Specifically, we provide evidence that advocates for warm ups that include parkour-related activities alongside conventional NMT exercises to preserve physical fitness qualities and to simultaneously evoke a sense of enjoyment, fun, and purpose. The benefit of such activities may extend beyond athletic development and, more broadly, contribute to the development of physical literacy.
Effects of eliminating visual cues on kinetic and kinematic parameters in back tuck somersault: A comparison between artistic gymnasts and parkour athletes
Abahnini et al.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
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Palabras clave
artistic gymnasts; motion analysis; open/closed eyes; parkour athletes; standing back tuck somersault
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of vision (i.e., open and closed eyes) on the kinetic and kinematic parameters of the standing back tuck somersault (SBTS) in artistic gymnasts and parkour athletes. Methods: Eleven male parkour athletes (age 22.53±2.36 years; height 1.72±0.08 m; weight 69.58±3.72 kg) and seven male artistic gymnasts (age 21.96±2.64 years; height 1.62±0.02 m; weight 63.54±1.35 kg) participated in this study. Each subject was asked to perform the SBTS in the same condition (i.e., first open-eyes then closed-eyes). 2D kinetic and kinematic analysis was conducted. Results: The results showed significant interaction (i.e., vision and sport) obtained at the take-off angle (p<0.05 and d=1.992), horizontal displacement (p<0.05 and d=1.906), and technical execution (p[removed]0.05). However, the elimination of vision during SBTS only affected parkour athletes (i.e., landing angle, ground reaction force, vertical velocity and technical execution, p[removed]1.20) while artistic gymnasts remain unchanged. Conclusion: We conclude that the specificity of the practice in each of the two sports disciplines influences the kinetic and kinematic control of the SBTS and suggests that with closed-eyes, the integration of afferent information relating to the vestibular and proprioceptive systems is different and specific to each discipline’s goal. Artistic gymnasts seem to be better skilled in the mechanical and technical control of the SBTS than parkour athletes.
Training habits and lower limb injury prevention in parkour practitioners
Grosprêtre & El Khattabi
Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite
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Palabras clave
Freeruning, knee, ankle, sprain
Parkour consists of overcoming obstacles mostly in an urban landscape. Little is known regarding usual training habits and injury risks of traceurs, i.e., parkour practitioners. In this study, a 20-min survey have been fulfilled by a population of traceurs regarding training load, habits (type of warm up, physical conditioning, stretching), type of footwear, and number and type of ankle- and knee-injuries during their career. A total of 180 responses were analyzed (24.4 ± 5.9 years old, 21.7% female, 6.0 ± 3.9 years of experience). Participants reported to train 1 to 7 times per week for a mean duration of 2.2 h. 76% practiced stretching exercises. 75.6% practiced physical conditioning in addition to their parkour training (weightlifting, functional exercises). Injury rate was 1.7 per 1000 h of training, mostly ankle sprains and knee contusions. Number of injury and training load were positively correlated. The lack of physical conditioning was also a factor of injury. Knee injuries have been more frequent on participants wearing minimalist shoes. Although training appears well auto-organized and the injury rate quite low some pitfalls require attention, notably in training planning, warm-up, stretching and conditioning. Building training and coaching methods specific to parkour appears essential.
Feasibility of Parkour-style training in team sport practice: A Delphi study
Strafford et al.
Journal of Sports Sciences
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Palabras clave
Coaching; learning; parkour training; pedagogy; talent development
Research has suggested Parkour-style training could act as a donor sport for athlete development in team sports. This study aimed to interrogate expert consensus on the feasibility of integrating Parkour-style training into team sport practice, by employing a three-round, online Delphi method. Talent development and strength and conditioning coaches working in team sport settings were invited to participate. Twenty-four coaches completed Round One, 21 completed Round Two and 20 completed Round Three. In Round One, coaches answered 15 open-ended questions across four categories: (1) General Perceptions of Parkour-style training; (2) Potential Applications of Parkour-style training; (3) Designing and Implementing Parkour-style training Environments; and (4), Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment. Responses from Round One were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis with deductive and inductive coding resulting in 78 statements across three dimensions (Application of Parkour Style Training in Team Sports; Designing and Implementing Parkour-style training Environments; Overcoming Potential Barriers when Integrating Parkour-style training). In Rounds Two and Three, coaches rated these statements using a four-point Likert scale and measures of collective agreement or disagreement were calculated. This study established consensus around a set of design principles for integrating Parkour-style training into team sport practice routines.
Building a special fatigue index for advanced parkour gymnasts
Hussein Tobeel
Al-rafidain Journal For Sport Sciences
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fatigue index, parkour gymnastics, advanced students.
The aim of the search is to: - Building a special fatigue index test for advanced parkour gymnasts. -Establishing standards and standards for testing the fatigue index of advanced parkour gymnasts. The descriptive approach was used by the survey method, and the research community consisted of advanced parkour gymnastics players in the city of Mosul, who numbered (65) players, and the research sample was (50) players, representing (77%) of the total research community. The researcher built the fatigue index test for parkour gymnastics by following the scientific procedures, and the statistical bag (Spss) was used, and the following conclusions were reached: The fatigue index test for advanced parkour gymnasts was built and proved its effectiveness. -Standards and standards have been set for the test that has been built. The researcher recommended: -Using the Special Fatigue Index test in evaluating the anaerobic ability, and the fatigue index for advanced parkour gymnasts. -Emphasis on researchers and trainers when measuring the specific fatigue index in parkour gymnastics on measuring the heart rate and the level of lactate in the blood. Keywords : fatigue index, parkour gymnastics, advanced students.
Choreographic techniques for human bodies in weightlessness
Acta Astronautica
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Moment of inertia, Rotation, Human body, Dance, Movement control, Weightlessness
Microgravity environments present unique movement and perceptual challenges which are most appropriately explored by movement professional. The high cost of microgravity and space endeavors place utilization of the time in those environments at a premium. We have identified techniques which can be practiced on Earth to increase competence of motion and develop a deeper understanding of reorientation of the human body in microgravity. This research has focused on understanding strategies for planning and executing specific movements, which can be explored in precise and low cost ways. A simulator was coded to explore the dynamics of the human body, which allows for visual and numeric calculations of the body’s moment of inertia eigenvectors and center of mass in a variety of positions. The maneuvers were explored with dance, circus, and parkour artists through the use of parabolic flights, pools, and aerial harnesses.
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