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The Effect of Physical Education Content on Children’s Activity During Recess
Vanluyten et al.
American Journal of Health Education
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Physical activity plays a crucial role for primary and secondary prevention of various chronic diseases that can lead to premature morbidity and mortality.
This study was designed to investigate (a) elementary boys’ and girls’ voluntary participation in team handball during recess, while it was being simultaneously taught in physical education (the intervention phase) and after the physical education lessons had concluded (maintenance phase); and (b) the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels during physical education, team handball recess, and traditional recess.
One hundred thirty third grade elementary school children (53 girls, 77 boys) from six schools were taught a 10-lesson team handball unit during physical education. Ten team handball recess sessions (20 min) were organized during lunch recess in which children could voluntarily participate. Systematic observation was used to assess children’s MVPA in all settings.
There were no significant differences between boys (49%) and girls (55%) for participation in team handball recess during intervention and maintenance phases. Boys achieved more MVPA in physical education (33% vs 29%, p < .001), team handball recess (52% versus 47%, p < .05) and traditional recess (51% versus 40%, p < .05) compared to girls.
Diseño y validación de un Test Indoor de Parkour (TIP)
Impacto de este contenido en estudiantes de secundaria y su perspectiva de género
Cuadrado-Pérez & Fernández-Río
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Test, Parkour, Género, Educación física, habilidades motrices.
El Parkour es una disciplina deportiva que, introducida dentro del currículo educativo, ofrece una herramienta atractiva y motivante desde la que potenciar el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz del alumnado. El presente estudio planteó dos objetivos: 1. diseñar y validar un Test Indoor de Parkour para ser usado en el aula de Educación Física y 2. implementar un programa de intervención de este deporte y comprobar su impacto en un grupo amplio de estudiantes, siguiendo un diseño pre-experimental. Accedieron a participar un total de 146 estudiantes de 1º de la ESO (12 y 14 años). Los resultados muestran: en primer lugar, una estabilidad en el Test Indoor de Parkour, lo que indica que es válido y fiable y, en segundo lugar, una mejora significativa en los tiempos invertidos entre el pre-test y el post-test (p ≤ 0,05) tras el programa de intervención, lo que muestra que fue exitoso. Haciendo un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en relación al género, y según los datos de la ANOVA, descubrimos una evolución similar entre chicas y chicos, aunque son estos últimos los que marcan tiempos significativamente mejores en ambas pruebas. Los datos recogidos confirmarían la validez y fiabilidad del instrumento, pudiendo ser aplicado en otros centros educativos que opten por introducir este tipo de habilidades en su programación educativa, facilitando una herramienta con la que poder evaluar los progresos del alumnado. Además, el programa de intervención basado en el contenido del Parkour logró mejorar la respuesta motriz de los estudiantes, tanto de chicos como de chicas, lo que muestra la bondad de este contenido.
Use of parkour in primary school physical education to develop motor creativity, divergent thinking, movement competence, and perceived motor competence
Yolcu et al.
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Adventure education model, non-linear pedagogy, physical literacy, quality physical education
As an extension of adventure education in school physical education, parkour has the potential to develop problem-solving and creative thinking along with the development of curriculum linked motor competencies and self-competence in a fun and risk-taking environment. This study aimed to investigate whether an adventure education model-based parkour intervention is more effective than the regular physical education in development of divergent thinking, motor creativity, movement competence and perceived motor competence of fourth-grade students.
Parkour para la inclusión y la equidad
Tarín et al.
La educación física en la escuela: recursos, experiencias y prácticas innovadoras en educación infantil y primaria
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Participation and physical activity in organized recess tied to physical education in elementary schools: An interventional study
Vanluyten et al.
Preventive medicine reports
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Child health; Health prevention; Obesity; Physical health; School intervention
Maintaining physical activity habits is important for long-term health benefits. Many children do not achieve the World Health Organization (WHO) benchmark of 60 min Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) daily. Comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAP) target all opportunities at school for children to be physically active. The purpose of this intervention study was to investigate boys' and girls' voluntary participation and MVPA in physical activity recess sessions during and after these were connected with the content of physical education. 147 (55 girls, 92 boys; mean age = 8 years) second grade children from seven different schools received a 10-lesson parkour unit in physical education and were concurrently offered five parkour recess sessions. After the parkour unit in physical education (i.e., maintenance) another five parkour sessions in which children could voluntarily participate were organized. Systematic observation tools were used to assess children's MVPA. Overall participation in parkour recess was 64% for both boys and girls. Participation decreased from intervention to maintenance phase for both boys (75% vs 54%; p < .001) and girls (80% vs 49%; p < .001). MVPA was higher for boys compared to girls in parkour recess (64% vs 58%; p = .002) and traditional recess (49% vs 39%; p = .006), but not in physical education (40% vs 37%). One aspect of physical activity promotion is to connect recess activities with the content taught in physical education, which could contribute up to 20% of the daily recommended MVPA. Positive effects maintained when the connection between physical education and recess stopped.
Generalization and maintenance of skill trials from physical education to recess in elementary school
Cheng et al.
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Applied behavior analysis; comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP); elementary school children; skill performance; systematic observation
Background: Being skillful is a prerequisite for lifelong participation in physical activity (WHO 2022). Hence, investigating the quality of children’s skill performance is important. If physical education wants to contribute to the development of a physically active lifestyle, demonstrating whether children apply skills learned in physical education in a less structured setting such as recess is worthwhile. Purpose: This study systematically replicated and extended previous work connecting the content of physical education (i.e. parkour) with voluntary organized physical activity during recess. It was investigated whether children would maintain participation in parkour recess after the parkour sport education season in physical education ended. The research questions in this study were: (1) How did children’s voluntary participation in parkour recess differ between the generalization and maintenance phase?; and (2) How did children’s performance of skill trials in parkour recess differ between generalization and maintenance phase in comparison to physical education? Sex effects were investigated in both research questions. Methods: Participants in this study were seven physical education teachers (2 females and 5 males) and 147 grade 2 children (55 girls and 92 boys, mean age: 8 years). Seven classes from different schools in Flanders (Belgium) received a 10-lesson sport education parkour season in physical education. During the generalization phase, parkour was taught in physical education and five voluntary 20-min parkour recess sessions were organized during lunch recess. During the maintenance phase, teachers taught other content during physical education instead of parkour and another five parkour recess sessions were organized during lunch recess. All physical education lessons and parkour recess sessions were videorecorded. Children’s voluntary participation in each parkour recess session was recorded and their correct skill trials in physical education and parkour recess were collected using systematic observation. Findings: Children’s voluntary participation in parkour recess significantly declined from generalization (77%) to maintenance phase (52%), p <.001. In parkour recess, children performed significantly more total skill trials (58 vs. 51, p =.013), skill trials per minute (4.20 vs. 3.49, p [removed]
"Parkour" en la escuela: cómo educar en altruismo mediante el movimiento
Torronteras González
Tándem: Didáctica de la educación física
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Este artículo pretende servir como una guía empírica para que profesores, educadores y pedagogos conozcan de primera mano la potencialidad del parkour de cara a trabajar valores altruistas. Las conclusiones a las que arribamos han sido extraídas tras más de diez años de trabajo directo con jóvenes, adolescentes y adultos por toda España, una labor a la que la Asociación Nacional Difusión Activa Pro Parkour sigue dedicándose en ciudades como Madrid, Sevilla, Barcelona y Málaga, entre otras.
Assassin's creed as immersive and interactive architectural history
Assassin's Creed in the Classroom: History's Playground or a Stab in the Dark?
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Ancient Greece; Assassin's Creed II; Assassin's Creed Origins; Assassin's Creed: Unity; Autodesk; Conceptual fidelity; Egyptian Oracle; Epic Games; Escape room; Experiential realism; Fortnite; Game mode, 3D visualization; Heinrich; Jesse Schell; Johan Huizenga; Machinima; Magic circle; Microsoft; Notre-Dame de Paris; NPC; Parkour; Roblox; Rome; Scholarly games; Social AI; Vitruvius; Wölfflin
Can we use commercial video games such as the Assassin's Creed series to add rich immersiveness and meaningful interactivity to architectural history? In this chapter, I argue for a resounding yes: student-led decision-making, a cultural sense of place through smarter NPCs, and heightened embodiment can be developed with both current and potential future versions of these games, especially with Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, and upcoming versions. If we can increase immersiveness and interaction for architectural history education, we will go some way toward bridging the gap between text-based criticism and the experience of architecture as a three-dimensional artifact and four-dimensional environment. We still have issues of authenticity, violence, and meaningful learning to tackle, but I suggest some potentially fruitful solutions. These include using the game to match architectural details and styles by finding architectural cues or matching materials to styles, locations, building type, era, or craft professions to construct or deconstruct past buildings authentically; guessing cultures, social roles, or architectural personalities via cultural and social clues; and leveraging the Assassin's Creed series use of parkour to explore and understand the building as a spatial and constructional reverse escape room. If the Discovery Tour and the map-based photo-sharing feature could be extended, student-led historicallybased quests could add to the game's non-violent potential as an educational resource.
Generalization and Maintenance of Participation in Parkour in Elementary Schools
Cheng et al.
SHAPE America 2022 New Orleans
Tipo de publicación
Publicación en congreso
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“Pop-Up Systems”—Innovative Sport and Exercise-Oriented Offerings for Promoting Physical Activity in All-Day Schools
Ferrari et al.
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
all-day schools; extended education; physical activity (PA) and exercise opportunities; pop-up facilities
Open AccessArticle
“Pop-Up Systems”—Innovative Sport and Exercise-Oriented Offerings for Promoting Physical Activity in All-Day Schools
by Ilaria Ferrari 1,*ORCID,Patricia Schuler 1,Kathrin Bretz 1ORCID,Jessica Bär 2,Marianne Rast 2 andLukas Niederberger 2
Research Group Exercise and Sport, Zurich University of Teacher Education, 8090 Zurich, Switzerland
Sports Office City of Zurich, Competence Center Physical Education, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Academic Editors: Francis Ries, Richard Bailey and Claude Scheuer
Sustainability 2022, 14(5), 3090;
Received: 16 February 2022 / Revised: 1 March 2022 / Accepted: 4 March 2022 / Published: 7 March 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Active School Concept)
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In all-day schools and schools with extended education, children have the opportunity to spend the whole day at school. Full-day attendance at school requires a reorientation of extended time. Therefore, it is important to consider how children spend their time between lessons and identify conducive opportunities. As part of the project “Sport in the School Environment”, multiple mobile pop-up facilities were installed at several all-day schools in Zurich, Switzerland, for a period of 3–6 weeks. These facilities included “Parkour”, “Pumptrack”, “Skatepark”, and “Streetsoccer”. The aim was to find out whether these installations offer an opportunity for physical activity (PA). At the same time, social aspects of the students using these facilities as part of their all-day school attendance were observed. The following questions were investigated: How, by whom, and in which contexts are the installations used? The use of the facilities was evaluated content-analytically and descriptively. It was shown that the facilities are used intensively and in very different ways. The main focus of the pop-up facilities is on the use of the facilities and the creation of opportunities for children and young people to exercise and meet up with each other.
Generalization of Participation in Physical Activity From Physical Education to Recess in Two Elementary School Classes
Vanluyten et al.
Journal of Physical
Education & Sports Studies
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Transfer, parkour, MVPA, comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the generalization of participation in
parkour from physical education to parkour recess in two different elementary school classes
taught by the same teacher. One class of 2nd grade (n = 19) and one class of 3rd grade (n= 26)
elementary school children were taught a seven-lesson parkour unit during physical education.
The teacher and the children were new to parkour, and the teacher taught each lesson first to the
second-grade class followed by the third-grade class. The voluntary participation and MVPA of
children from both classes in six parkour recess sessions connected with seven physical education
lessons were recorded. In physical education, MVPA, lesson context, and teacher’s physical
activity promotion in both classes were investigated. Results indicated that more time was spent
in management in grade 2 (50%) compared to grade 3 (45%). In grade 3, children had more skill
practice and achieved more MVPA compared to second graders during physical education (38%
versus 35%, p<.001). There was more in class physical activity promotion in third grade (15%)
compared to second grade (7%). More children from 3rd grade participated in parkour recess
(74%) compared to children from 2nd grade (43%, p=0.001), although both groups achieved
similar mean MVPA levels (70%). The generalization of participation in parkour from physical
education to recess varied between classes taught by the same teacher. This might be the result of
teaching the content to two classes, which enabled the teacher to adapt the content and refine
teaching strategies.
Diseño e implementación de unasituación de aprendizaje de parkour en secundaria através del Estilo actitudinal
Miranda-Ullán et al.
Revista Española DeEducación Física Y Deportes
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Parkour, Autorregulación, Estilo Actitudinal, Evaluación Formativa, Educación Física
La demanda por parte del alumnado de Educación Física (EF) de nuevos contenidos, hace de la implementación del parkour en el aula un contenido ideal en la actualidad. El origen y los valores de esta práctica deportiva nos brindan además múltiples oportunidades educativas respecto al trabajo de diferentes competencias relacionadas con la responsabilidad individual y grupal, la autonomía y la autorregulación. En este sentido, los pilares metodológicos del Estilo Actitudinal (EA), junto a la inclusión de estrategias basadas en el modelo de Autorregulación, se constituyen como una excelente opción para abordar este contenido. Todo ello, con el fin de lograr un desarrollo integral del alumnado en clave de las capacidades cognitivo–intelectuales, pero sobre todo de las afectivo–motivacionales, de relaciones interpersonales y de inserción social.
Generalization and Maintenance of Participation in Parkour and Team Handball Recess in Elementary Schools
Cheng et al.
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP); generalization and maintenance of behavior change; sex; skill level
Purpose: We investigated elementary school children’s voluntary participation in parkour and team handball recess during generalization and maintenance by skill level and sex. Methods: In six schools, 45 girls and 68 boys from different classes received a 10-lesson sport education parkour (second grade) and team handball (third grade) season in physical education. Children’s participation in parkour and team handball recess during (generalization) and after the sport education season concluded (maintenance) was recorded and analyzed using the Poisson loglinear regression model to investigate the effects of skill level and sex. Results: Children’s participation in parkour (72%) was higher than team handball recess (47%) during generalization, p < .001. During maintenance, children’s participation in parkour (44%) was lower than team handball recess (49%), p < .001. Effects of skill level and sex were found in both phases. Conclusions: Coordinating physical education with recess can promote children’s participation in physical activity during recess.
El recurso Episteme Parkour para docentes de Educación Física
Actas del III Congreso estatal sobre Educación Física en la naturaleza 2023
Tipo de publicación
Publicación en congreso
Palabras clave
Parkour, arte del desplazamiento, contenido innovador, repositorio, bibliometría.
El surgimiento y desarrollo del parkour, en Francia, puede situarse en los años 80 y 90 (Ferrero, 2015), no siendo hasta la siguiente década cuando se expande a nivel mundial, llegando también a España alrededor del año 2000 (Um Parkour, 2012). Aunque esta disciplina cuente con menos de 25 años desde su expansión, ya ha causado interés en la comunidad científica, acumulando más de 400 investigaciones en diferentes ámbitos del conocimiento. De todos ellos, 67 son relacionadas con las ciencias de la educación. Este interés investigador en el ámbito educativo discurre en paralelo al aumento de docentes que integran el parkour en su programación. Ambas realidades pueden encontrar justificación en que el alumnado de la educación física actual demanda el aprendizaje de nuevos contenidos que se ajusten a sus intereses (Baena-Extremera, 2011; Suárez & Fernández-Río, 2012). La implementación del parkour en el aula de Educación Física es un ejemplo de la innovación de contenido que el docente puede hacer en aras de incrementar la motivación del alumnado (Yugueros & Jiménez, 2018). Por otro lado, las leyes educativas siempre han demandado la necesidad de trabajar contenidos de educación física en entornos naturales y, desde la LOMLOE, también ha quedado explicitada en su currículo la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas en entornos urbanos, haciendo mención directa al parkour (Real Decreto 217/2022). A pesar de todo ello, existen una serie de problemáticas a la hora de implementar este contenido, siendo la más significativa el desconocimiento de la actividad por parte de los docentes, no solo relativo a factores técnicos y gestuales sino al propio origen, esencia y sentido de la práctica. Es por ello que, esta infografía tiene como objetivo presentar Episteme Parkour (...).
Possibilidades e desafios no ensino das práticas corporais de aventura nas aulas de Educação Física escolar
Leder & Correa
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Educação ambiental, Educação física, Práticas corporais de aventura
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com o objetivo de compreender os limites, possibilidades e contribuições das Práticas Corporais de Aventura nas aulas de Educação Física em uma turma de 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Curitiba. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 30 alunos, entre 9 e 10 anos, de uma turma de 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Foram organizadas aulas na disciplina de Educação Física, visando vivência das modalidades de orientação, slackline, arvorismo, parkour e skate. A coleta de dados foi feita a partir de questionário semiaberto, relatórios de campo e relato escrito dos estudantes. Os dados foram analisados e interpretados a partir da identificação de categorias de análise. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que as Práticas Corporais de Aventura podem contribuir com ações ambientais, modificando a relação ser humano e natureza, de modo crítico, democrático, emancipatório e transformador.
Using Parkour to Step Up Your Elementary School Curriculum
Vanluyten et al.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
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The goal of parkour is to cross various obstacles in an efficient and creative way by jumping, swinging, climbing, and running. Parkour aligns with the SHAPE America national standards for K-12 physical education and has demonstrated its potential to highly engage both boys and girls in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). In this article, we present a knowledge packet for teaching parkour to elementary children. First, we discuss the knowledge packet by unpacking the content development together with common errors and suggestions on how to correct these. Next, we propose appropriate equipment that can be used during physical education lessons. After which we introduce organizational and pedagogical principles that strengthen the parkour unit, such as focused station work, modifying content and equipment and offering children high practice opportunities and the role of teacher’s content knowledge. We end the paper by providing examples for assessing children in a formative and summative way.
Aprendizaje cooperativo con "Parkour strength"
Cardona Pericas
Tándem: Didáctica de la educación física
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Se presenta la unidad Parkour strength, en la que se ha integrado el modelo pedagógico aprendizaje cooperativo junto con dos disciplinas urbanas: parkour y calistenia. Se ha pretendido formar al alumnado para que sepa practicar este tipo de disciplinas urbanas en cualquier sitio y sin necesidad de utilizar material específico o requerimiento económico. Se busca conseguir un aprendizaje cooperativo dentro de un clima de colaboración e interdependencia positiva.
Participation and physical activity in organized recess tied to physical education in elementary schools: An interventional study
Vanluyten et al.
Preventive Medicine Reports
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Child health; Health prevention; Obesity; Physical health; School intervention.
Maintaining physical activity habits is important for long-term health benefits. Many children do not achieve the World Health Organization (WHO) benchmark of 60 min Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) daily. Comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAP) target all opportunities at school for children to be physically active. The purpose of this intervention study was to investigate boys' and girls' voluntary participation and MVPA in physical activity recess sessions during and after these were connected with the content of physical education. 147 (55 girls, 92 boys; mean age = 8 years) second grade children from seven different schools received a 10-lesson parkour unit in physical education and were concurrently offered five parkour recess sessions. After the parkour unit in physical education (i.e., maintenance) another five parkour sessions in which children could voluntarily participate were organized. Systematic observation tools were used to assess children's MVPA. Overall participation in parkour recess was 64% for both boys and girls. Participation decreased from intervention to maintenance phase for both boys (75% vs 54%; p < .001) and girls (80% vs 49%; p < .001). MVPA was higher for boys compared to girls in parkour recess (64% vs 58%; p = .002) and traditional recess (49% vs 39%; p = .006), but not in physical education (40% vs 37%). One aspect of physical activity promotion is to connect recess activities with the content taught in physical education, which could contribute up to 20% of the daily recommended MVPA. Positive effects maintained when the connection between physical education and recess stopped.
Application of parkour in physical education: agility learning and improvement
Fernández Juan et al.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Tipo de publicación
Artículo de revista
Palabras clave
Secondary school, obesity, gender, traceur, innovation.
With the passage of time, the rate of students who are overweight and obese has increased, in order to reduce it
and increase physical condition, parkour-based content was chosen to produce novelty in classroom. However, it
was not known if this type of intervention would improve to a greater extent than methods that were normally
used in the subject. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the improvement provided by a
Didactic Unit based on parkour in student agility compared to a Didactic Unit for team sports, as well as
investigating how this improvement depended on gender. So as to clarify this uncertainty, 146 students
participated in the study, 67 in team sport group (CON) and 77 in parkour group (EXP). A pre and post
intervention agility test was used to evaluate the change provided by the Didactic Units. Results showed a
greater significant improvement in the EXP group (p = 0.002) compared to the CON group, suggesting that an
intervention through parkour achieves greater agility improvements. In the same line, when the sample was
segmented by sex, a greater change was observed in the male EXP group (p = 0.007) compared with CON
group, however, no differences were found when comparing female groups (p = 0.099). Therefore, it seems that
parkour is a valid method to increase the agility of students in Physical Education in secondary education,
getting better improvements than team sports in male gender, although it does not seem to be more favorable
than team sports in female gender
Generalization of Participation in Parkour From Physical Education to Recess: Analysis of Skill Trials
Cheng et al.
AIESEP World Congress 2022
Tipo de publicación
Publicación en congreso
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