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Parkour: playing the modern, accelerated city


Højbjerre, S.



Journal of the Philosophy of Sport

Tipo de publicación

Artículo de revista



Palabras clave

alienation, parkour play, resonance, sport critique, sportification


In this article, I argue that parkour can be understood as a way to recapture moments of non-alienated human experience in urban space. I draw on Hartmut Rosa’s theory of temporally caused alienation and Edward Casey´s phenomenological study of place and space. Based on empirical data I describe how the practitioners aren’t indifferent to urban space, but they carry a unique material curiousness and a concrete physical presence wherever they go, thereby enabling an experience of resonance. Even though parkour, as well as other informal sports, is subjected to societal patterns of sportification, acceleration and alienation, it is a good example proving that human beings can transform, for a moment, the most alienated environment, into a place of play.


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