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Risk perception evaluation in parents and/or guardians of a group of beginner traceurs before and after parkour practice


Gavira et al.



Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Tipo de publicación

Artículo de revista



Palabras clave

Parkour, Risk Perception, Education, Physical Activity.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk perception of parents and/or guardians of a group of beginner traceurs before and after parkour practice. Although the existing information about it was limited and had numerous distortions, it was successfully executed. This research has been carried out from interviews applied to 15 parents/guardians before and after a program of parkour practice. To this end, the sessions were recorded and subsequently viewed with the parents, creating a discussion forum. From the first interviews, in which almost all the parents had had the view that it was a very dangerous activity until the last interview, most of the interviewees changed their opinion, thinking that the risk of parkour depended mostly on its use by the person.


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