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Feasibility and students’ preliminary views on parkour in a group of primary school children


Fernández-Río & Suarez



Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

Tipo de publicación

Artículo de revista



Palabras clave

adventure education, physical education, cooperative learning


Adventure education is an instructional model where students participate in adventurous activities to acquire physical, cognitive, and affective skills. It also has strong connections with cooperative learning. Parkour is a fast-growing sport practiced by thousands of youngsters all over the world. The media does not portray it as an educational content, but resourcefulness, maturity, cooperation, and respect are among its basic principles. It also appears to have a direct connection with risk-taking, self-discipline, and autonomy. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess students' ideas, views, and/or feelings after experiencing a parkour learning unit.


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