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Is Parkour a Problem? College and University Liability for Extreme Sport Activities


De Martini



Recreational Sports Journal

Tipo de publicación

Artículo de revista



Palabras clave

higher education: institutional liability: legal risk: university recreation


Parkour, an extreme recreational activity in which one overcomes obstacles in the most quick, efficient, and flowing way, encompasses running, jumping, vaulting, and climbing. The activity is gaining popularity on college campuses. The purposes of this study were to survey campus recreation administrators' views and policies on parkour and explore the potential legal liability higher education institutions face with the rise in participation in this potentially dangerous activity. The results showed little sanctioned parkour activity on college campuses and that recreation administrators do not appear to be worried. The legal analysis indicated that currently colleges and universities would not likely face legal liability for students who are injured while participating. However, prudent college recreational professionals must remain aware of new activities on campus and may want to take additional steps to insulate themselves from risks of legal liability. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR


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