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Ya’makasi or the art of displacement in the corporate world: A target’s perspective on the impact of workplace bullying





Workplace Bullying: Symptoms and Solutions

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This chapter presents a case narrative of a target of workplace bullying in higher education in France and explores, from an individual perspective, the negative and debilitating impact of the bullying on her physical, social and professional arena. Moral harassment (bullying) is a widespread phenomenon in France (Hirigoyen, 1998) where the proportion of people who become victims of bullying are similar to those found in other countries (Leymann, 1990). Whilst the issue of bullying in the workplace has gained greater recognition in France since it was introduced into labour and civil legislation in 2002, and more recently due to a wave of high profi le cases in the automobile and telecommunications industry, it remains diffi cult to establish or address with the still limited awareness as to its impact and consequences for the targets.


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